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巧克力提取物有望成为“精神伟哥” 可点燃性欲:新京葡萄官方网站

作者:新京葡萄官方网站 发布时间:2024-04-07 02:20:02 次浏览

A hormone found in chocolate could be the mental Viagra that helps to get couples in the mood for sex.在巧克力中找到一种可谓“精神伟哥”的激素,可以

本文摘要:A hormone found in chocolate could be the mental Viagra that helps to get couples in the mood for sex.在巧克力中找到一种可谓“精神伟哥”的激素,可以让爱侣们性欲大幅提高。

A hormone found in chocolate could be the mental Viagra that helps to get couples in the mood for sex.在巧克力中找到一种可谓“精神伟哥”的激素,可以让爱侣们性欲大幅提高。Kisspeptin, which is found in chocolate, is the hormone in the brain which kickstarts puberty.巧克力中找到的这种激素取名为kisspeptin,也是大脑中催动青春期的激素。And it may explain something about the behaviour of teenage boys, after scientists found it makes men much more interested in sex and relationships.科学家们找到,这种激素让男人更加热衷性生活和男女关系,也能在一定程度上说明青春期男孩的不道德。Young men injected with the hormone and then given brain scans showed a flurry of activity in the parts of the brain activated by sexual arousal and romance.被静脉注射了这种激素的年长男子大脑经过扫瞄找到,在被性唤醒和爱情事物转录的大脑部位有波动。

It means similar injections could be used to help men to start a family.这意味著静脉注射某种程度的激素可以用来协助男性后代后代。Professor Waljit Dhillo, the lead author of the research from Imperial College London, said: Our initial findings are novel and exciting as they indicate that kisspeptin plays a role in stimulating some of the emotions and responses that lead to sex and reproduction.该研究的首席作者、伦敦帝国学院的沃尔吉特?迪洛教授说道:“初期研究结果显示,kisspeptin能引发造成性行为和生育的一些情感和反应,这一找到新奇又令人振奋。Ultimately, we are keen to look into whether kisspeptin could be an effective treatment for psychosexual disorders, and potentially help countless couples who struggle to conceive.“最后,我们将大力研究kisspeptin能否沦为化疗性心理障碍的有效地方法,从而有可能协助无数生育艰难的夫妇脱离苦海。

”One in 10 men in the UK are believed to have sexual problems, many suffering a lack of libido caused by relationship issues, stress and anxiety.据指出,十分之一的英国男人都有性问题,感情问题、压力和情绪等因素造成许多男性缺少性欲。This can cause problems for couples trying for a child and advised to have regular sex throughout the month.而缺少性欲对于那些想小孩、被建议每月定期展开性生活的夫妇来说则是个后遗症。But kisspeptin is hoped to hold the answer, following a trial involving 29 healthy young men.在29个身体健康年长男子身上展开试验后找到,kisspeptin未来将会解决问题这一难题。

Those injected with kisspeptin, discovered in the mid-1990s in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and named after sweets from the city called Hersheys Chocolate Kisses, reacted differently to sexual and non-sexual romantic pictures of couples.那些静脉注射了kisspeptin的男子对自己看见的夫妇色情图片和非色情图片的反应是有所不同的。Kisspeptin于20世纪90年代中期在宾夕法尼亚州的好时镇被找到,并以该市出产的好时之颌巧克力糖果的名字命名。

In an MRI scanner, where their brains were monitored, there was greater activity in the parts of the brain typically activated by sexual arousal and romance than the men given a placebo.核磁共振扫瞄找到,被静脉注射kisspeptin的男性大脑中会被性唤醒和爱情事物转录的部位比那些服用安慰剂的男性有更加大幅的活动。The effect is likely to come from kisspeptins role in starting puberty, by stimulating the release of reproductive hormones.产生这一效果很有可能是因为kisspeptin需要性刺激生殖激素的获释,正如kisspeptin催动青春期时的起到一样。



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