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“新京葡萄官方网站”iPhone 6年底前入华希望不大

作者:新京葡萄官方网站 发布时间:2024-03-11 02:20:02 次浏览

China’s Apple fans aren’t feeling lucky anymore.中国的“果粉”这次有可能会像上次那样走运了。

本文摘要:China’s Apple fans aren’t feeling lucky anymore.中国的“果粉”这次有可能会像上次那样走运了。

China’s Apple fans aren’t feeling lucky anymore.中国的“果粉”这次有可能会像上次那样走运了。The last time a new iPhone was released, last September with the iPhone 5S, Apple coordinated its release so that Beijing customers and New York customers could buy their gadgets at the same time. Before then, Mainland China fans had to wait months to get their hands on iPhones already available in the U.S. and Europe.去年9月,上一款iPhone公布的时候,在苹果公司的协商下,北京的消费者以求与纽约的消费者同时在第一时间出售到iPhone 5S。在那之前,往往是iPhone早已在美国和欧洲公布了几个月了,中国大陆的果粉才能有心到归属于他们自己的iPhone。

For reasons that aren’t clear just yet, that’s not the case with the iPhone 6. Apple said the new generation iPhone wouldn’t go on sale in China on the same date —this Friday, Sept. 19— as the U.S. and nine other regions.这次iPhone 6的亮相地也没中国大陆,明确原因尚能不确切。苹果只是回应,新一代iPhone将于9月19日在美国和其他9个地区实时亮相,中国大陆并未在此列。

China’s big carriers aren’t saying much publicly, but recent calls to their stores and service reps indicate they won’t be getting the iPhone 6 until the end of the year. A China Mobile employee said she couldn’t say anything on the timing because Apple hadn’t yet decided when it would release the iPhone in China. (Apple not making a decision was a common refrain in the Chinese press this week.) Meanwhile, a rep at China Unicom, the country’s second largest carrier, said the iPhone 6 would likely be available near the end of this year.中国的三大运营商并没公开发表说道得过于多,不过最近通过电话采访三大运营商的门店和服务代表获知,他们难道到年底前都无法取得iPhone 6。中国移动(China Mobile)的一名员工回应,她不了对iPhone 6的上市时间做到任何表态,因为苹果还没要求什么时候在中国公布iPhone 6。(在本周的中国媒体上,“苹果并未作出要求”是一句十分广泛的理由。

)同时中国第二大运营商中国联通(China Unicom)的一名代表也回应,iPhone 6有可能要到将近年底才能上市。While Apple hasn’t released a date when the iPhone 6 will finally be available in China, its biggest growth market and third largest market total, that’s likely not by choice. A Shanghai business paper quoting a source saying Apple hasn’t received a network license for the new iPhone from China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Last year, as noted by Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, the iPhone 5S and 5C were granted network access even before Apple formally launched the products.尽管苹果仍未就iPhone 6何时才能月登岸中国表态,不过中国作为苹果的全球第三大市场和快速增长最慢的市场,iPhone 6如期无法在华上市或许也不是苹果不愿看见的结果。

上海的一份商务报纸援引消息人士的话称之为,苹果至今仍未取得中国工信部的劲射许可证。据长江商学院(Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business)认为,去年iPhone 5S和iPhone 5C早在月公布之前,就取得了工信部的劲射许可证。There is precedent. The iPhone 4 was released in China three months after it became available in the U.S. The iPhone 5 was also released three months later in Mainland China. The reasons behind those delays are less clear. For the iPhone 5, Apple sold it as soon as it received approval from China’s regulators in 2012. It looks like regulators are again slowing the process.iPhone在中国如期不上市也是有先例的。

比如iPhone 4就是在美国上市了三个月后,才在中国公布的。iPhone 5也是晚于美国上市三个月。这些机型延期公布的理由我们并不确切。

对于iPhone 5来说,2012年它通过中国监管机构的批准后之后,苹果就立刻启动了上市销售。显然这次又是监管机构扯了上市的后腿。China’s tens of millions of social media users are quick to mock: iPhones may be built in China, but rarely are they sold here first.中国几千万社交媒体用户很快转入吐槽状态:有网友回应,iPhone虽然有可能是在中国装配的,但是它们很少在这儿再行开卖。



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