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新京葡萄官方网站:火星表面化合物或有剧毒 人类移民火星梦或破碎

作者:新京葡萄官方网站 发布时间:2024-03-05 02:20:03 次浏览

A new study suggests that the surface of Mars may contain toxic chemical compounds called perchlorates which destroy bacteria

本文摘要:A new study suggests that the surface of Mars may contain toxic chemical compounds called perchlorates which destroy bacteria in the presence of UV light.一项近期研究指出,火星表面有可能所含一种取名为“低氯酸盐”的剧毒化合物,它需要在有紫外线的情况下杀掉细菌。

A new study suggests that the surface of Mars may contain toxic chemical compounds called perchlorates which destroy bacteria in the presence of UV light.一项近期研究指出,火星表面有可能所含一种取名为“低氯酸盐”的剧毒化合物,它需要在有紫外线的情况下杀掉细菌。The findings suggest that Mars may be more uninhabitable than previously thought, and could have implications for human exploration on the red planet.该找到指出,火星有可能没此前所想的那么宜居,这对人类探寻这一红色星球不会有所影响。To understand the impact of these chemicals, the researchers investigated their effect on Bacillus subtilis – a common bacteria often found on spacecrafts.为了理解这些化学物质的影响,研究人员们调查了它们对枯草杆菌--一种宇宙飞船上少见的细菌--的影响。In the laboratory, the researchers put magnesium perchlorate under short-wave UV radiation, similar to conditions on the surface of Mars.在实验室中,研究人员们将高氯酸镁曝露于类似于火星表面环境的短波紫外电磁辐射下。

They found that under these conditions, the magnesium perchlorate became bacteriocidal, meaning it killed all bacteria.他们找到,在这些条件下,高氯酸镁显得具备杀菌作用,也就是它杀掉了所有细菌。The Bacillus subtilis lost viability within minutes in the presence of the magnesium perchlorate.这些曝露于高氯酸镁的枯草杆菌在几分钟内就丧失了活性。

The researchers also suggest that two other components on the Martian surface - iron oxides and hydrogen peroxide - may act alongside the perchlorates resulting in a 10 times increase in bacteria death.研究人员们还回应,火星表面的其它两种成分--氧化铁和过氧化氢--可能会与低氯酸盐协作,造成细菌死亡率刷了10倍。While the toxic effects of the Martian surface have been suspected for some time, the findings suggest that the surface of Mars could be very dangerous to cells.虽然猜测火星表面的毒性效应有数一些时间,但是此次找到指出,火星表面对于细胞而言是众多威胁。



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